Thursday, April 9, 2009

Please pass the Tums

(Blogger's Note: Well, another one bit the dust yesterday, as Fire M did a hatchet job execution on an employee they fought to keep just months ago. Now, this is not to say that the employee shouldn't have been terminated, that's the company's decision. But now there are shouts of racism from this employee. So let's do this. There seems to be enough calls to action here, 12 in all, plus enough upset customers to begin a class action suit. I have contacted an attorney that is willing to take the case. If you are interested in joining this please contact me through the comment section of this blog. I will not publish the comments but will contact you.)

When Danny Columbo threw his finished rendition of the training process on the conference room table, Trevor, Don Crane, and I, along with the general, and The Co Founder all looked at the project with a nod of approval. The team in India had assisted in the creation of a very marketable, saleable product and Columbo was aglow at his accomplishment. He had set about the project in July, completed it by September and was ready to launch, with a monetization model that worked as he had proven with his budget and projections.

Of course, the general had to urinate on the hydrant, immediately claiming the name That Columbo had devised for the program wasn't any good. Now of course the urinating on the hydrant general didn't know why it wasn't any good, it just wasn't because he didn't think of it.

"That name is awful. We have to change it." He said.

"We can't change it, we already sent out emails, marketing it." I said. We knew if we brought it to market without interference from the man who was rocking the boat we might have a winner on our hands.

"I don't care. The dealers are too stupid to read emails, anyway. Nobody saw it," the general said.

"If that be the case, why do we send out all these emails every week?" I asked.

"It's called Branding, John. We have to Brand the products."

After an hour of discussing the merits of his new idea, the training program – which we all referred to as the "Project Hijacking Process" – PHP, we agreed to do it his way.

Then he decided to delve into the numbers. Although it was introduced into the marketplace at one cost, the general immediately decided to raise the price since he had just gotten the financial statements from India and was short on payroll and had lost money for the 29th straight quarter.

At the same time the seven golf tournaments we had held were not sitting very well with the general. The Co founder kept claiming that they were money makers but nobody could produce contracts or revenue projects that would solidify his thinking. We all knew that at lunch the golf tournament was going to get rained out, the price for the training would be increased and discussion of the new company he was trying to buy would be discussed.

"Co-Founder, I think we should stop the golf tournaments. They are not paying for themselves."
said the general.

"General, how do you know that? W have not had any time to analyze the data." The Co Founder added.

"Well, I know they are costing us money and I have not seen anything come back. What am I supposed to do, continue to pay for you guys flying all over the country and playing golf. Danny, last week you stayed in a hotel that cost $96.00 a night. I told you not to spend more than $82.00 a night. Don, you did the same. Whatis going on here. I say we kill them. We certainly are not going to go to Pebble Beach." the general said, angrily.

"Oh, and by the way, we are not doing NADA this year. It never works. We get nothing out of it. I don't even want to see a budget for it. It's just your way of having a party for three days." the general said, looking at The Co Founder.

"And just so you know, I hate the name of the training program. Change it to "i" mething. They'll think we're part of Apple." he added.

"Hey, you, get me some winegar. I need winegar. Now."

Plase pass the Tums...

Tomorrow: NADA really does mean nada...

1 comment:

  1. he he he.. sounds good!! this is the real story

    I like this blog, keep posting buddy

    thank you
