Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Training is the blessing

With Danny Columbo's training program hitting new heights, the future of the company looked bright. Training, something the general electrified could never pull off, nor could The Co Founder, would be the perfect product to increase the revenue stream and profit margin. And since little g.e. and his front-man buddy wouldn't be involved, the chances of success was paramount. If we could only get the two to concentrate on wht they were good at the compny might move forward.

One thing for sure, the company was going south. New office space had been acquired and the cramped offices of little g.e. and The Co-Founder would be suddenly made larger. And, the new WeePees could then come, en masse. That in the minds of those who cook other things than food makes all the difference in the world.

Big offices with lobbies and conference room are what makes more insolvent companies seem profitable than any other product they produce. And isn't that the way of the sales world today? If we can't deliver a product let's at least look like we can.

Plus, a bigger office meant that little g.e. could hire his wife, Gotcha, to man one of the cubicles as a marketing/editing professional. The fact that she had no marketing experience and her editing skills of the written language was nill, mattered not.

It was definitely a family thing. Little g.e.'s brother, Sonny, the master mind behind the funding scheme had employeed his wife in Bangalore to handle the books and billing. this created tension between little g.e. and Gotcha. With her continually returning to India to tend to the sick canine, a new office, an iphone and a laptop might just do the trick.

Plus, marketing was not a science to little g.e. it was a spaghetti toss. Throw it against the wall and if it sticks, use it.

Now with the walls closing in on the old space, the nw space gave the company a new image and breathing room.

Plus, Danny Columbo could train Trevor Landem to present to the dealers. The two could increase revenue while Donny Caine and The Co-Founer trained the new salesgirls on how to close a deal.

Tomorrow: A blessing in disguise

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